

President’s Address


Jesus said, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly” (Jn.10:10). This mission thrust motivates all our pastoral, educational, charitable and social apostolate towards the society. The Diocese of Ootacamund has committed itself to offer quality education since 1939. Following the footsteps of our Lord Jesus Christ, we commit our life for the realization of having life abundantly.

I am sure, this website will help you acquire the details about the entire mission of establishing this college of Education (B.Ed.,) and will mould each one towards your goal.

Most Rev. Dr. A. Amalraj
Bishop of Ootacamund


The Book – depicts – Knowledge oriented inovations
The Cross – depicts – Gain after Pain
The Star – depicts –To create one
The Encircle – depicts – Versatility through mastery

Our Motto – ‘Purpose driven life’

The initial step to a successful destinationis purpose. As per the demands of the society, the motto of the Institution ‘Purpose driven life’ paves a way to reach the destiny of the person in par with the societal expectiations.

With reference to the most dictionaries the verb ‘Drive’ implies to guide, to control or to direct.

Hence the purpose of a techer is an indicator to a meaningful life as follows:

  • Simplifier of your life
  • Focuser of your life.
  • Motivator of your life.
  • Future enhancer.

A Teacher should be

  • Talented
  • Enthusiastic
  • Affectionate
  • Cooperative
  • Humble
  • Encouraging
  • Resourceful

Rev. Fr. Noel Stephen Rozario Award by Seminar on Economic Growth and National Integration


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University Vice Chancellor Honours our Correspondent

Our Correspondent Honours Our University New V C

Our Correspondent Honours Our University New V C

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